Joining the Foundation’s Partners for Health Improvement allows the PA Foundation to sustain and expand the following programs and initiatives that empower PA engagement in philanthropic programs that improve health:
- Grants – Support programs that provide funding through grants that encourage and support PAs and PA students to:
- Gain invaluable learning experience in healthcare delivery, leadership and project management
- Improve the quality of life in underserved areas in the United States and in developing countries
- Create sustainable healthcare clinics and enduring education by using “train the trainer” approach
- Develop programs that foster innovation and will improve health
- Patient Education Resources – Partner with the Foundation to provide PAs with education resources for their patients and caregivers to engage them in their own health care.
- Scholarships – Ensuring a diverse workforce by providing scholarships to the underrepresented minority students and those who are economically and/or educationally disadvantaged.
If your company is interested in becoming a member of Partners for Health Improvement or you wish to learn more, please contact Emily Hincher at [email protected].