IMPACT Grant Program

The PA Foundation IMPACT Grant Program provides funding to encourage and support PA and PA student involvement in programs that improve health, consistent with the mission, values and vision of the PA Foundation. Through the program, the PA Foundation seeks to support patient-centered, community-based health projects within the United States and its territories that demonstrate an impact on patient health outcomes.

2024 Application Cycle (CLOSED)

Opens: June 17
Closes: July 15

View the 2024 qualifications and requirements document.

Eligibility Criteria

All grant applications must be submitted by one or more PAs or PA students who are members in good standing of AAPA. Applications must be made in conjunction with a nonprofit sponsoring organization, such as a nonprofit hospital or nonprofit community organization, an accredited PA Program, or an AAPA Constituent Organization. Depending upon the specific project and the potential liability it may involve, the PA Foundation reserves the right to condition approval of an application on affiliation with a sponsoring organization.

Through this program, the PA Foundation seeks to support projects conducted within the United States and its territories.

In the evaluation process, preference will be given to those applicants who have not already been awarded a grant from the PA Foundation within the preceding 12 months (including both IMPACT Grants and Global Outreach Grants).

The PA Foundation will award a maximum of one grant per institution per funding cycle.

Application Requirements

The application will be available online and will include the following components:

  • An online application form (submitted via Formsite)
  • A detailed budget indicating expenses for which the grant funds will be used. Please note that grant funds may not be used to pay salaries/stipends or to reimburse organizations for salaries. Grant funding will not be provided to cover any indirect/administrative costs.
  • A written proposal (maximum 6 pages) addressing each of the following questions:
    • What is the health problem this project seeks to address?
    • What are the characteristics of the patient population this project will serve?
    • What primary objectives/milestones does this project aim to achieve?
    • Describe the evaluation strategies to be utilized in measuring the success of the program or project. What points of data do you anticipate collecting during this project to measure impact, if any?
    • What role will PA(s) and/or PA students play in the program? Indicate how PA value and/or PA utilization is critical in attaining the project objectives.
    • What infrastructure is in place—or will be in place—to support the project?
    • Briefly summarize how the IMPACT Grant funding will improve or enhance population health of the community. What impact will this grant funding have on the success of this program/project?
    • How will outcomes/results be disseminated (e.g., poster, presentation, publication, etc.)?
    • Include a timeline for the proposed project.
    • Is the project replicable? Is the project’s impact sustainable? Please explain.
    • Is any portion of the project being funded by another source, and/or is this project part of a larger funding proposal? Will there be other support for the project (in-kind, matching funds, etc.)? (Note: Demonstration of available additional support will be factored into the evaluation/scoring process.)
  • A letter of support signed by an official of the sponsoring organization, which includes:
    • A statement indicating that the nonprofit organization affiliated with the project agrees to be financially responsible for accepting the funds and allocating the funds provided in accordance with the purposes of the grant.
    • Verification that the organization agrees to ratify that the project/program complies with the organizations internal policies and applicable regulations.
    • Verification that the organization does not advocate, support, or engage in discrimination in the provision of health care on the basis of age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, union membership, political affiliation, race, size, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic or veteran status.
    • Verification that professional liability insurance coverage is in place if the program/project involves direct patient care and patient information is HIPAA compliant.
Evaluation Criteria

Funding is available for general healthcare projects/programs that address any health issue or challenge.

Preference will be given to:

  • Projects/programs focused on community-based healthcare, patient education, and/or patient health outcomes
  • Projects/programs that test new PA-led models of care and integrate education into clinical visits

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity of the goals and activities of the project
  • Demonstration of PA leadership and involvement
  • Impact on the health of the target population

Please note that grant funds may not be used to pay salaries/stipends or to reimburse organizations for salaries. Grant funding will not be provided to cover any indirect/administrative costs.

IMPACT Grant Recipients

View Recipients

Questions? Contact Caroline Pierce or call 571-319-4510.