Janet B. Bray, CAE
Arlington, Virginia
Janet B. Bray, CAE, serves as treasurer of the PA Foundation Board of Trustees. She is the Chief Strategist and founder of Bray Strategies and brings a unique perspective and vision to best practices for connecting education and industry for a relevant, skilled workforce. For more than eleven years, Janet served as the Executive Director of the Association for Career and Technical Education, a not-for-profit association representing over 30,000 professionals across the United States. As Executive Director, Janet managed the staff and oversaw the development of program services for the members of the association and the CTE profession. She provided leadership on a broad spectrum of education and workforce issues and directed the strategic public policy and public awareness efforts of the association.
Janet currently provides her expertise and knowledge with the Industry Workforce Needs Council, the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation, The Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Career Readiness Institute, Pathways to Prosperity project, Global Pathways Institute, Ideagen, Innovate-Educate, the National Association of Workforce Boards, Department of Labor work on career pathways, ed2go/Cengage and The Hope Street Group.
Janet represents the career and technical education and workforce profession on a number of Boards and advisory groups including the Home Builders Institute Board of Trustees, Manufacturing Skills Standards Council, National Coalition of Certification Centers, Physicians Assistants Foundation, HVACR Education Foundation, ANSI Certificate Program Accreditation Committee, Workforce Solutions Group and the Board of the U.S. Partnership for Education for Environmental Sustainability. She recently completed her Board service on the Department of Labor Apprenticeship Advisory Committee, Friends of the National High School Center, Principles for Learning Coalition and America’s Promise Alliance Board of Trustees. During her 40-year tenure in the association management profession, she has provided leadership to a variety of associations in strategic planning, education program development, outreach to related professions and publics and creation of innovative programs and services. She was instrumental in the development of a Youth Apprenticeship Program for the graphic arts industry in the State of Wisconsin and initiated the industry’s effort to develop national skill standards. Janet has authored or co-authored several articles including “Developing Human Capital: Meeting the Growing Global Need for a Skilled and Educated Workforce,” 2012, McGraw Hill Foundation and the “Trends in National Policy,” chapter in Career Pathways, Education with a Purpose, 2012
Janet has been an active participant in the association community serving on the American Society of Association Executives Education Foundation Board of Directors, Greater Washington Society of Association Executives Board of Directors, and numerous association-related committees and councils. Janet holds a Bachelors Degree in History and Government from the University of Maryland and a Masters Degree in Adult Education from the George Washington University. Janet earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential in 1991 and is a member of the distinguished ASAE Fellows Group.